Key Dates
Paper/Poster Submission Deadline
Friday January 24, 2014, 11:59.59 PM (PST)
Author Notification
Friday February 28, 2014
Camera-Ready Papers Due
Friday March 28, 2014
Submit your paper

General Chair
Pedro Trancoso
University of Cyprus, CY
Program Chairs
Diana Franklin
Sally A. McKee
Chalmers, SE
For more information,
visit the website at
Call For Papers
Computing Frontiers represents an engaged, collaborative
community of researchers who are excited about transformational
technologies in the field of computing. We are presently on the
cusp of several revolutions, including new memory technologies,
networking technologies, algorithms for handling large-scale data,
power-saving and energy-efficient solutions for data centers,
systems solutions for cloud computing, and many, many more.
Boundaries between the state-of-the-art and revolutionary innovation
constitute the computing frontiers that must be pushed forward to
advance science, engineering, and information technology.
Before revolutionary materials, devices, and systems enter the
mainstream, early research must be performed using far-reaching
projections of the future state of technologies.
Computing Frontiers is a gathering for people to share and discuss
such work, focusing on a wide spectrum of advanced technologies and
radically new solutions relevant to the development of the whole
spectrum of computer systems, from embedded to high-performance
Topics of Interest
We seek contributions that push the envelope in a wide range of
computing topics, ranging from more traditional research in
architecture and systems to new technologies and devices. We seek
contributions on novel computing paradigms, computational models,
algorithms, application paradigms, development environments,
compilers, operating environments, computer architecture,
hardware substrates, and memory technologies. We are also
interested in emerging fields that may not fit within traditional
Algorithms and Models of Computing
approximate and inexact computing, quantum and probabilistic computing
Big Data
analytics, machine learning, search and representation, system design
- System Complexity Management
cloud systems, datacenters, computational neuroscience,
biologically-inspired architectures
- Computers and Society
education, health and cost/energy-efficient design, smart cities,
emerging markets
architecture and systems support for protection against malicious code
Limits on Technology Scaling and Moore's Law
defect- and variability-tolerant designs, graphene and other
novel materials, nanoscale design, optoelectronics, dark silicon
Uses of Technology Scaling
3D stacked technology, challenges of manycore designs,
PCM's, novel memory architectures, mobile devices
Compiler technologies
novel techniques to push the envelope on new technologies,
applications, hardware/software integrated solutions, advanced analysis
technology and protocols, bandwidth management, social networks, internet of things
Authors are invited to submit full papers or posters to the main conference.
Full papers and poster abstracts must be submitted through the
conference paper submission site.
Full papers should not exceed
10 double-column pages in
ACM SIG alternate style (Option 2).
Poster abstracts should not exceed two
pages in the same format. These limits include figures, tables, and references.
Our review processs is
double-blind. Thus, please remove all
identifying information from the paper submission (also if citing own work).
Abstracts for accepted posters will be published in the proceedings and in
the ACM Digital Library (note that authors of these works retain their
copyright rights to publish more complete versions later). As per ACM
guidelines, at least one of the authors of accepted papers is required to
register for the conference.