ACM International Conference
on Computing Frontiers
May 18-20, 2009
Ischia, Italy


1-Day Registration

We will also offer a 1-day registration on site of the conference. One day registration will cost 100€ in cash, payable at the registration desk. It comprises conference attendance, lunch and coffee breaks for one day.

Student Travel Grants

Thanks to our sponsors IBM and SIGMICRO, student grants will be available again this year. The amount depends on the number of students who will apply.

To apply for a student travel grant, please contact Monica Alderighi.

Registration Fees

As the early registration deadline has passed, the late registration fees apply. Hence, the current registration fees are:

ACM Members 550,- €
Non-ACM Members 600,- €
Students 300,- €

Please register yourself, following this link.

The Final Program is online

The final program is now online.

Registration Fees

The registration fees are:

ACM Members 475,- €
Non-ACM Members 500,- €
Students 270,- €

Please register yourself, following this link.
The early registration deadline is April 17, 2009!

Final Submission Guidelines

The final submission instructions are now available.

For the main conference, refer to this information: Submission instructions.

For workshop submissions, refer to this information: Submission instructions.

Venue and Travel Information update, Reservation Forms are now available

The Venue and Travel Information site has been updated. You will also find reservation forms for the conference hotel and transportation from Naples to Ischia there.

Online registration is now open

Online registration is open. Please register yourself, following this link.
The early registration deadline is April 17, 2009!

Panel Discussion "Compiler Technologies for Current and Future Computer Systems"

As a part of the Computing Frontiers conference, a panel discussion to the topic "Compiler Technologies for Current and Future Computer Systems" will take place. Find more information here.

Ronny Ronen will hold the second keynote speech.

Ronny Ronen from Intel Corporation will hold the second keynote speech. Further information will be anounced soon here.

Michael Shebanow will be one of our keynote speakers.

Michael Shebanow from NVidia Corporation will hold one of the keynote speeches. Further information and more keynote speakers will be annonced soon.

Submission is closed

The submission system is now closed. We will review all submitted papers and notify the authors until 18th of February 2009.

Workshops Sites are now online

The Following Workshops will be hosted as part with the Computing Frontiers Conference 2009:

Workshops have their own deadlines! Please refer to the CFP at the corresponding workshop web sites for detailed information.

Submission guidelines for the review process

Please prepare submissions for the review process single-columned double spaced with at least 10pt font with a max of 20 pages (5000words or less) as PDF. Submissions should be prepared for double blind review, i.e., without author names, or other identifyingmaterial in the submission. Authors should refer to themselves in the 3rd person when citing their own work.

Submit your Abstract until December 05.

If you intend to attend the Computing Frontiers Conference 2009 with your own contribution, don't forget to submit your Abstract until December 05 via our submission site!

Full paper submission is due until December 12, via the same submission system.

Download the Call for Papers as (txt)|(pdf)|(doc)

Call for Workshops - closed.

The Call for Workshops is now closed.

Submission site is available.

Please find the submission site for the Computing Frontiers Conference 2009 here.

Call for Workshops is now online.

The Call for workshops is now available. If you have further questions, plese refer to the Workshop and Special Session Chair Josef Weidendorfer.

Download the Call for Workshops as (txt)|(pdf)

Call for Papers
2009 ACM International Conference
on Computing Frontiers

The increasing complexity and performance needs of current and future applications require novel and innovative approaches for design of various types of computing systems: embedded, mobile, high-performance, and more. Boundaries between state of the art and revolutionary innovation constitute the computing frontiers that must be pushed forward to provide the computational support required for the advancement of science and engineering. This conference focuses on a wide spectrum of advanced technologies and radically new solutions relevant to development of computer systems and aims to foster communication among scientists and engineers to achieve this.

Authors are invited to submit papers on all areas of innovative computing systems that extend the current frontiers of computer science and engineering. Papers are sought on innovations in theory, methodologies, technologies, and implementation of advanced computer systems and focusing on computing paradigms, computational models, application paradigms, computer architecture, development environments, compilers, and operating environments. Papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas:

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format through the conference web site. Submitted papers should not exceed 20 double-spaced, single-column pages, including figures, tables, and references. Additional submission guidelines will be available on the conference web site.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference and present the paper. Selected papers will be invited to appear in a special issue of (Springer) Intl. Journal of Parallel Programming and/or Transactions on HiPEAC (pending).

Download the Call for Papers as (txt)|(pdf)|(doc)

last modified: 2009/05/05

Submission Instructions

Important dates



Previous CF conferences

2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004


ACM Special Interest Group on Microarchitecture

IBM Research