Computing Frontiers 2013 Submission Instructions

Dear Accepted Author,

Thank you for participating in the CF'13 Conference  and contributing to the Proceedings. This web page will acquaint you to the formatting and submission instructions for the FINAL VERSION of your full papers to the proceedings, the required fields, and how and where to submit your signed ACM Copyright or Permission-Release forms. 

Please read the whole page. Submissions that do not conform to the ACM & SIG standards, specifications, guidelines, and formats will be returned to the author for corrections and/or alterations.  

Submission Deadlines and Preparation of Copy

All ACM sponsored proceedings will be included in the ACM Digital Library as well as prepared for printed publication. All papers for the conference must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to ACM specifications.
Your electronic submission is due on or before April 1st, 2013. Please submit as early as possible if you are able to do so. Your page limit is set by the category your submission has been selected for:

Full Papers 

10 Page Limit

Poster Papers 

4 Page Limit

Papers must be submitted to the conference's paper submission system

For PhD Forum submissions please use this site: PhD Forum submission site

In case you are going to present a poster at CF13, please note that the max. allowed dimensions are 90cm wide and 150cm tall!

NOTES TO ALL AUTHORS, please read the following, this is important and to ensure the inclusion of your paper, poster, abstract, or talk in the proceedings and the ACM Digital Library (Portal).

(A) MANDATORY SECTIONS: The following list are MANDATORY SECTIONS and should be filled in properly and accurately by the authors on the FINAL VERSION papers and the submission page. The material/information entered on the submission page is used to produce the Indexing of the Proceedings and the metadata to include the conference proceedings in the ACM Digital Library (Portal):

B. Files to Submit:

C. Page Size & Page Breaks: Submissions that do not conform to the ACM SIG standards, templates, and formats will be returned to the author for corrections and/or alterations. The page size for this ACM publication is US Letter (8-1/2x11 inches). Be sure that there are no bad page or column breaks--Meaning no widows (last line of a paragraph at the top of a column). If this happens either tighten the previous column or force a line over. Section and Sub-section heads should remain with at least 2 lines of body text when near the end of a page or column. 

D. figures or images. 
     (D1) Authors with color figures, authors
please be aware your figures are printing in black and white (grayscale) in the body pages of print version proceedings. We suggest you print your paper to a black/white printer (or black-white version) to be sure that the tones, screening, images reproduce well in black and white (also for ACM DL users accessing your paper online). Your images will and may appear in color on your electronic submissions for inclusion on CD or DVD proceedings, and will appear in color in the ACM Portal (digital library).
     (D2) Resolution: We recommend images to be at least 300 or 600 dpi for quality reproduction and saved as .tif images. 
     (D3) TIF (EPS) vs JPG (JPEG) images: TIFs were (and should be created) created for pre-press applications where quality takes priority over file size. While TIFs can be compressed (LZW compression option when saving out of Photoshop, for example), no image data is lost, thus ensuring maximum quality. JPEG was designed as a compressed image format designed to keep the file size small which makes it idea for use in web graphics. To do this, the JPEG format actually deletes image data from the image. The higher the level of compression, the more data is removed. This is referred to as a lossy compression system. On a printout, the removed data tends to show up as blocky areas of a solid color. At higher resolutions (a minimum of 200 dpi ), there's usually enough data in the JPEG file for the compression artifacts to be very noticeable.
     (D4) Rules/Lines: We recommend for quality reproduction of rules in your graphs, tables or charts, that the rules are at least a 0.5 pt. and black. Finer lines and points than this will not reproduce well, even if you can see them on your laser printed hardcopy when checked -- bear in mind that your laser printers have a far lower resolution than the imagesetters that will be used.
     (D5) Fonts: If your figure uses custom or any non-standard font, the characters may appear differently when printed in the proceedings. Remember to check your figure creation that all fonts are embedded or included in the figure correctly.
     (D6) Transparencies: If a figure or image is assembled from multiple images, the images must be embedded, layers flattened or grouped together properly in the file, not lined. Transparencies should also be flattened.

E. Page Numbers, Headers and Footers: Your final submission SHOULD NOT contain any footer or copyright string information in the footer area, headers or page numbers (the copyright strips do need to be included in the correct position at the bottom of the first column on the first page, see samples and templates). The papers will be paginated in a determined order by the chairs and added to the bottom upon finalization.


1. Please download the template from the ACM website:

2. Name your .pdf file using your CF Paper # with the lead (first) author's last name (example: cf6789-weaver.pdf). Be sure to format your document for American Letter (8-1/2x11). Please check that your submission adheres to the set page limit for your type of submission.

3. Insert the ACM copyright statement. This statement should appear in 8 pt. Times New Roman, justified text, with CF'13 italicized.

4. You need to upload your .pdf on or before April 1st, 2013.  We recommend using a modern, standards-compliant Web browser to upload the necessary files. You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your submission and signed forms, but due to the volume of submissions, please be patient it may take a few days to two weeks for us to process and check your submission.


1. Please use the ACM specified class file (sig-alternate class-file) along with the supplied Latex Templates and sample files at: use OPTION 2) The class file along with the following five (5) lines in your .tex document after  \begin{document} will produce the correct ACM copyright statement and conference info for the bottom/left of the first page:

\conferenceinfo{CF'13,} {May 14--16, 2013, Ischia, Italy.} 




\widowpenalty = 10000

2. LaTex user, you MUST use Type 1 fonts for your submission, for help see: for help. If you still have difficulty check with your system administrator. PDF LaTex can be used to create a pdf file for your submission, but all fonts MUST be embedded. If all the fonts are not embedded in the pdf you submit, will we distill the mandatory PS file that is submitted. Be sure to see the recommendations for your figures and images above (item #C).

3. Name your .pdf file using your CF Paper # with the lead (first) author's last name (example: cf6789-weaver.pdf).  Be sure to format your document for American Letter (8-1/2x11). Please check that your submission adheres to the set page limit for your type of submission.


If you still have questions or problems please contact Mohamed Zahran via email at: with the conference name (CF'13) in the subject line.