ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2018
May 8 - 10, 2018, Ischia, Italy
Key Dates
Camera-Ready Papers Due
April 4, 2018
March 31, 2018
Early Registration Deadline
April 13, 2018
April 9, 2018
To register, click here.
Submit your paper

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Previous Conferences
General Co-Chairs
David Kaeli
Northeastern University, US
Miquel Pericas
Chalmers University of Technology, SE
Program Co-Chairs
Miquel Moreto
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
Josef Weidendorfer
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre / Technical University of Munich, DE
For more information,
visit the website at
The Best Short Paper and Poster Award 2018 was awarded to:
An area and power efficient on-the-fly LBCS transformation for implantable neuronal signal acquisition systems
Cosimo Aprile, Johannes Wüthrich, Luca Baldassarre, Yusuf Leblebici and Volkan Cevher
The Best Paper Award 2018, dedicated to Stamatis Vassiliadis, was awarded to the paper:
Adaptive and Polymorphic VLIW Processor to Optimize Fault Tolerance, Energy Consumption, and Performance
Anderson Luiz Sartor, Arthur F. Lorenzon, Sandip Kundu, Israel Koren and Antonio Carlos S. Beck
The Most-forward-looking Paper Award 2018, selected from 2004-2006 and dedicated to Utpal Banerjee, was awarded to:
Toward a quantum process algebra, accepted at Computing Frontiers 2004
Philippe Jorrand and Marie Lalire

The award being presented by Carsten Trinitis and Claudia Di Napoli on
behalf of the Steering Committee.
We were pleased to present Arvind of MIT and Rosa M. Badia of the Barcelona
Supercomputing Center as keynote speakers at the

Conference program: click here.
The CF'18 Organizing Committee has obtained special rates at the conference
hotel. To book a room at the special rate, you need to use the booking form
that is available on the venue page. It is also
possible to book a transfer from Naples to the hotel, a separate form
is available for this.
Apply for Student Travel Grants by downloading and completing
this form.
We are pleased to host the following co-located workshops:
More information on the workshops can be found on
the workshops page.
Registration & Hotel Booking
The early registration discount is available until April 13. For
information on registration and a link to start the registration
process click here.
The CF'18 Organizing Committee has obtained special rates at the conference hotel. To book a room at the special rate, a
room reservation should be done directly through the Hotel by sending them the
reservation form (available here in PDF or doc format) by fax or email.
The fax number and the email address are specified in the form.
It is also possible to book a transfer service from Naples to the Hotel to be
arranged directly with the Hotel by sending them the transfer form (available
here in PDF or doc format) by fax or email.
Students are encouraged to apply for travel support to attend the conference.
To do so, download and complete this form and send it to
ppedro (at) chalmers (dot) se. Request for support should be submitted at the
time of registration. Preference will be given to students who are authors of
accepted papers.
Call For Papers
The next ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers will be
held May 8 - 10 in Ischia, Italy. Computing Frontiers is an eclectic,
collaborative community of researchers who investigate emerging
technologies in the broad field of computing: our common goal is to
drive the scientific breakthroughs that transform society. Technology
is experiencing revolutions in memory devices and systems, networks,
electronic device production, machine learning, data analytics, cloud
computing, techniques to improve power and energy efficiency, systems
portability/wearability, to name but a few areas. New application
domains that affect everyday life are emerging, especially in the era
of highly interconnected and collaborative cyber-physical systems.
Boundaries between the state-of-the-art and revolutionary innovation
constitute the frontiers that mark the advances of science,
engineering, and information technology.
Early research that envisions future technologies provides the bases
that allow novel materials, devices, and systems to become mainstream.
Collaborative efforts among researchers with different expertises and
backgrounds enables revolutionary scientific breakthroughs that lead
to innovative solutions over a wide spectrum of computer systems, from
embedded and hand-held/wearable devices to supercomputers and data
Topics of Interest
We seek original research contributions at the frontiers of a wide
range of topics, including novel computing paradigms, computational
models, algorithms, application paradigms, development environments,
compilers, operating environments, computer architecture, hardware
substrates, memory technologies, and smarter life applications:
- Algorithms and Models of Computing — Approximate and inexact
computing, quantum computing, and probabilistic computing
- Biological Computing Models — Brain computing, neural computing,
computational neuroscience, and biologically-inspired architectures
- Limits on Technology Scaling and Moore's Law — Defect- and
variability-tolerant designs, graphene and other novel materials,
nanoscale design, optoelectronics, and dark silicon
- Uses of Technology Scaling — 3D stacked technology, challenges of
many-core designs, accelerators, PCM's, novel memory architectures,
dealing with manufacturing variability, and mobile devices
- Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems — Design space exploration,
modeling and development frameworks for interconnected systems and CPS
and CPSoS, ultra-low power designs, energy scavenging, reactive and
real-time systems, reconfigurable and self-aware systems, robotics,
sensor networks and internet of things, and architectural innovation
for wearable computing
- Big Data Analytics — High performance data analytics, data search and
representation, architecture, and system design
- Machine and Deep Learning — innovative algorithms, innovative
architectures, and neuromorphic approaches
- Large-Scale System Design — Homogeneous and heterogeneous
architectures, runtimes, networking technologies and protocols, power-
and energy-management for cloud and grid systems, data centers,
and exa-scale computing
- Fault tolerance and resilience — solutions for ultra-large and
safety-critical systems, and hardware and software approaches to cope
with adverse environments such as space
- Compiler Technologies — Advanced/novel analyses,
hardware/software integrated solutions, domain-specific languages,
and high-level synthesis
- Security — Methods, system support, and hardware for protecting
against malicious code; real-time implementations of security
algorithms and protocols; quantum and post-quantum cryptography;
advanced persistent threats, cyber and physical attacks, and
- Computers and Society — Education, health, cost/energy-efficient
design, smart cities, and emerging markets
- Interdisciplinary Applications — Applications bridging multiple
disciplines in interesting ways
We also strongly encourage submissions in emerging fields that may not
fit into traditional categories — if in doubt, please contact the PC
co-chairs by email.
Authors are invited to submit full or short papers to the main conference.
Papers must be submitted through the conference submission
website. Authors must declare in advance to which category they are
Full papers are a maximum of eight (8) double-column pages in
conference format with an option for authors to buy up to 2 extra
pages after acceptance. Short paper submissions should be at least two
(2) pages and not more than four (4) pages in the same format. These
limits include figures, tables, and references. Our review process is
double-blind: please remove all identifying information from the paper
submission (and cite your own work in the third person). Short papers
may cover on-going research that is seeking for early feedback and
will be presented at the conference as oral presentation in a
dedicated slot and in a poster session.
Both full and short papers will be published in the proceedings and in
the ACM Digital Library. Authors of selected best papers will be
invited to contribute with an extension of their work in a Special
Issue of JSPS.
In addition to the best paper award from current submissions, dedicated
to Stamatis Vassiliadis, CF18 will introduce an award for the most
influential work from past Computing Frontiers conferences, dedicated
to the memory of Utpal Banerjee.
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