Key Dates Full Papers
Paper Submission Deadline
February 11, 2020
January 28, 2020
Author Notification
March 29, 2020
March 15, 2020
Final Papers Due
April 19, 2020
April 5, 2020
Submit your paper

Previous Conferences
General Co-Chairs
Maurizio Palesi
University of Catania, IT
Gianluca Palermo
Politecnico di Milano, IT
Program Co-Chairs
Cat Graves
Hewlett Packard Labs, US
Eishi Arima
ITC University of Tokyo, JP
For more information,
visit the website at
Best Paper and Best Video Awards
The Best Paper Award was awarded to:
Scale-Out Beam Longitudinal Dynamics Simulations
Konstantinos Iliakis, Helga Timko, Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios Soudris
The Best Video Awards were awarded to:
Efficient Architecture Design for the AES-128 Algorithm on Embedded Systems
Rupam Mondal, Hau Ngo, James Shey, Ryan Rakvic, Owens Walker and Dane Brown
Approximate Approximation on a Quantum Annealer
Irmi Sax, Sebastian Feld, Sebastian Zielinski, Thomas Gabor, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien and Wolfgang Mauerer
Virtual CF20 Registrations and Logistics
The CF20 Virtual Conference is FREE-OF-CHARGE for everyone thanks to the ACM-SIGMICRO support. The conference is officially open for the period
June 1st - June 10th, giving the possibility to interact with the authors.
The Conference registration is at no cost and should be done at the following registration page. Upon registration,
you will receive the link to the CF20 Slack Workspace accessible for all the registered participants.
The accepted papers are divided into thematic sessions (one per Slack Channel) and each paper is with a pre-recorded presentation of the talk.
Attendees can interact with the authors on the Slack Channel.
Conference proceedings are available on the ACM Digital Library.
We hope that the absence of the registration cost, obtained thanks to the support of ACM-SIGMICRO, will attract many more people to the conference enlarging the
CF community and gives the possibility to even younger researchers to access the conference program.
Register HERE
Update on COMPUTING FRONTIERS 2020 in Virtual Form
COMPUTING FRONTIERS 2020 originally scheduled on 11-13 May is postponed to the end on May or 1st week of June at most (final date will be communicated soon) to allow the virtual implementation of the conference. The conference is now collecting presentation slides and videos for each paper that will be publicly available at no charge. We anticipate that, the virtual conference organization will be made using SLACK platform. Specifically, there will be a dedicated channel for each session in which there will be collected the presentation slides, videos and discussions among authors and conference attendees.
The conference will be free of charge for both authors and attendees thanks to the SIGMICRO support.
Update on COMPUTING FRONTIERS 2020 in relation to Covid‑19 (Coronavirus)
Download this update in PDF format.
The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our priority and based on information from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), we have decided to cancel the physical conference for this year of Computing Frontiers due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
It has been a hard decision. The General Chairs, Program Chairs, and Steering Committee have been carefully watching the situation develop over recent weeks, and have explored possible options for the conference. However, with increasing travel restrictions globally, we feel it is no longer possible to guarantee the program and quality expected for Computing Frontiers, in addition to health concerns and reducing the spread of the virus.
The review and selection procedure of submitted papers is continuing as planned. Accepted papers will still be published in the ACM Digital Library as CF20 Proceedings, the same as if the conference had occurred physically.
In addition, we will have recorded video presentations of the accepted papers and online Q&A sessions for discussion and interaction. In particular, we will ask authors of accepted papers to record a video of their conference presentation to be put online (e.g. on a CF20 channel on youtube), which will also be linked with the paper in the ACM Digital Library. After author acceptance notifications in a few weeks, the PC chairs will be in touch with the authors of accepted papers for further details on what to expect.
We evaluated the possibility of having a virtual (and more interactive) conference, but given the size of the CF community and the large distribution of our time zones, we felt this option was impractical.
While we are disappointed to not see you all in Catania, we feel this is the right decision. Stay tuned for further information on Computing Frontiers 2020 online presentations and discussion details. And we look forward to seeing you next year for COMPUTING FRONTIERS 2021!
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,
Gianluca Palermo and Maurizio Palesi - CF20 General Co-Chairs
Cat Graves and Eishi Arima - CF20 Program Co-Chairs
Carsten Trinitis and Hubertus Franke - SC Chair and Deputy Chair
Artifact evaluation CF 2020
Authors have to submit a 1-page appendix containing instructions for the
Artifact Evaluation related to their manuscript accepted to the Computing
Frontiers 2020 conference. The submission of the Artifact Evaluation appendix
should be sent via
The Computing Frontiers 2020
Artifact Evaluation process follows the ACM Artifact and Badging policies
After the acceptance notification of their manuscript, authors have two weeks to submit the Artifact Evaluation appendix.
Authors who want to receive the ACM Badge Available have to provide a DOI of a permanent repository (e.g. Zenodo
Notification for Artifact Evaluation will be given within two weeks from the submission deadline. Possible actions might be asked by reviewers for fixing software/environment configuration during the process.
We encourage authors to follow the AE processes and interact with the reviewers.
Computing Frontiers Artifact Evaluation submission: April 12, 2020, at 23.59 AOE.
Computing Frontiers Artifact Evaluation notification: April 23, 2020, at 23.59 AOE.