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Cache optimization
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Final Program (doc | pdf)
Tuesday, May 2 |
Wednesday, May 3 |
Thursday, May 4 |
Friday, May 5 |
8:00a - 9:00a Registration
6:00p - 7:00p Registration
7:00p Welcome reception
8:00a - 8:45a Registration
8:45a - 9:00a Welcome
12:15p - 1:30p Lunch
12:15p - 1:30p Lunch
8:00p Conference Banquet
12:45p - 1:30p Lunch
4:30p - 4:45p Closing remarks
Tuesday, May 2
8:00a 9:00a
10:30a 10:45a
Coffee Break
12:30p 2:00p
3:30p 3:45p
Coffee Break
6:00p 7:00p
Welcome Reception
Wednesday, May 3
8:45a 9:00a
Welcome / Opening Remarks
10:00a 10:15a
Coffee Break
10:15a 12:15p
Session 1: Multithreaded, Multicore, and SoC Systems
Chair: José Moreira, IBM Systems and Technology Group
- The Potential of the Cell Processor for Scientific Computing
Samuel Williams (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / UC-Berkeley) John Shalf, Leonid Oliker, Parry Husbands and Shoaib Kamil (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Katherine Yelick (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / UC-Berkeley
- MPSoC ECG Biochip: A Multiprocessor System-on-Chip for Real-Time Human Heart Monitoring and Analysis
Iyad Al Khatib and Axel Jantsch (Royal Institute of Technology) Davide Bertozzi (University of Ferrara) Francesco Poletti and Luca Benini (University of Bologna) Mohamed Bechara, Hasan Khalifeh and Mazen Hajjar (American University of Beirut) Rustam Nabiev and Sven Jonsson (Karolinska University Hospital)
- Dynamic Thread Assignment on Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Architectures
Michela Becchi and Patrick Crowley (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Landing OpenMP on Cyclops-64: An efficient Mapping of OpenMP to a many-core System-on-a-Chip
Juan del Cuvillo, Weirong Zhu, and Guang Gao (University of Delaware)
12:15p 1:30p
Lunch Break
2:15p 3:45p
Session 2: Novel Computing Paradigms Chair: Jonathan Mills, Indiana University
- Morphogenesis as an Amorphous Computation
Arnab Bhattacharyya (MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- A Nanoscale Reconfigurable Mesh with Spin-Wave Buses
Mary Eshaghian-Wilner, Alexander Khitun, Shiva Navab, and Kang L. Wang (UCLA)
- Implementing Quantum Genetic Algorithms: A Solution Based on Grover's Algorithm
Mihai Udrescu, Lucian Prodan, and Mircea Vladutiu (University Politehnica of Timisoara)
3:45p 4:00p
Coffee Break
4:00p 5:30p
Session 3: Resource-Aware Computing
Chair: Mihai Udrescu, University Politehnica of Timisoara
- Tile Size Selection for Low-Power Tile-Based Architectures
John Oliver and Ravishankar Rao (UC-Davis)
Michael Brown, Jennifer Mankin and Diana Franklin (Cal Poly State University)
Frederic T. Chong (UC-Santa Barbara)
Venkatesh Akella (UC-Davis)
- Profile-driven Compression Scheme for Embedded Systems
Israel Waldman (Haifa University) Shlomit S. Pinter (IBM Haifa Research Laboratory)
- Energy-Aware Prefetching for Multi-Speed Disks
Seung Woo Son and Mahmut Kandemir (Pennsylvania State University)
Thursday, May 4
10:00a 10:15a
Coffee Break
10:15a 12:15p
Session 5: Reconfigurable and Autonomic Computing
Chair: Carsten Trinitis, Technische Universitaat Muenchen
- REPLICA2Pro: Task Relocation by Bitstream Manipulation in Virtex-II/Pro FPGAs
Heiko Kalte (University of W. Australia) Mario Pormann (University of Paderborn)
- An Opportunistic Reconfiguration Strategy for Environmentally Powered Devices
Igino Folcarelli, Andrea Acquaviva, Alexandru Susu, Theo Kluther, and Giovanni De Micheli (LSI-EPFL)
- Using Managed Communication Channels in Software Components
Emil Stoyanov (University of Stuttgart) Markus A. Wischy (Siemens AG) Dieter Roller (University of Stuttgart)
Session 4: Compilation and Dynamic Execution
Chair: Per Stenstrom, Chalmers University of Technology
- Dynamic Parallelization of Binary Executables on Hierarchical Platforms
Efe Yardimci and Michael Franz (UC-Irvine)
- Instruction Folding in a Hardware-Translation Based Java Virtual Machine
Hitoshi Oi (University of Aizu)
- On the Decidability of Phase Ordering Problem in Optimizing Compilation
Sid-Ahmed-Ali Touati and Denis Barthou (University of Versailles)
- Multi-Compilation: Capturing Interactions Among Concurrently-Executing Applications
Ozcan Ozturk, Guangyu Chen and Mahmut Kandemir (Pennsylvania State University)
12:15p 1:30p
Lunch Break
1:30p 3:30p
Session 6: Special Session on Reliable Computing
Chair: Lucian Prodan, University Politehnica of Timisoara
- A Dependability Perspective on Emerging Technologies
Lucian Prodan, Mihai Udrescu and Mircea Vladutiu (University Politehnica of Timisoara)
- Self-Replication for Reliability: Bio-Inspired Hardware and the Embryonics Project
Gianluca Tempesti, Daniel Mange, Pierre-Andre Mudry, Joel Rossier and Andre Stauffer (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
- Dependability in an Evolving World
Andy M. Tyrrell (University of York)
- On Dependability of FPGA-based Evolvable Hardware Systems That Utilize Virtual Reconfigurable Circuits
Lukas Sekanina (Brno University of Technology)
3:30p 3:45p
Coffee Break
3:45p 5:45p
Session 7: Applications I
Chair: Michael Gschwind, IBM
- Memory Efficient Parallel Matrix Multiplication Operation for Irregular Problems
Manojkumar Krishnan and Jarek Neiplocha (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Database Hash-Join Algorithms on Multithreaded Computer Architectures
Philip Garcia (University of Wisconsin) and Henry F. Korth (Lehigh University)
- Improving the Memory Behavior of Vertical Filtering in the Discrete Wavelet Transform
Asadollah Shahbahrami, Ben Juurlink and Stamatis Vassiliadis (TU Delft)
- Dynamic Testing of Legacy Code Resources on the Grid
Luigi Bitonti, Tamas Kiss, Gabor Terstyanszky, Thierry Delaitre and Steve Winter (University of Westminster) Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)
5:45p 8:00p
Conference Banquet
Friday, May 5
9:00a 11:00a
Session 8: High Performance Microarchitectures
Chair: Stamatis Vassiliadis, Delft University of Technology
- Kilo-instruction Processors, Runahead and Prefetching
Tanausu Ramirez, Alex Pajuelo and Mateo Valero (DAC-UPC) Oliverio J. Santana (DIS-ULPGC)
- Exploiting Locality to Ameliorate Packet Queue Contention and Serialization
Sailesh Kumar, John Maschmeyer and Patrick Crowley (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Speculative Early Register Release
Jesus Alastruey, Teresa Monreal and Victor Vinals (Universidad de Zaragoza) Mateo Valero (DAC-UPC)
- VICTORIA: a VMX Indirect Compute Technology Oriented Towards In-line Acceleration
Jeff H. Derby (IBM Corporation) Robert K. Montoye and Jose Moreira (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
11:00a 11:15a
Coffee Break
11:15a 12:45p
Session 9: Cache Architectures
Chair: Michel Dubois, USC
- Cache Miss Behavior: Is It &radic:2?
Allan Hartstein, T. R. Puzak, V. Srinivasan and P. G. Emma (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
- An Efficient Cache Design for Scalable Glueless Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Alberto Ros Bardisa, Manuel E. Acacio Sanchez and Jose M. Garcia Carrasco (Universidad de Murcia)
- Lazy Direct-to-Cache Transfer during Receive Operations in a Message Passing Environment
Farshad Khunjush and Nikitas J. Dimopoulos (University of Victoria)
12:45p 1:30p
Lunch Break
1:30p 3:30p
Session 10: Special Session on Cache Optimization
Chair: Jie Tao, Universitaat Karlsruhe
- Simple Penalty-Sensitive Replacement Policies for Caches
Jaeheon Jeong (Intel) Per Stenstrom (Chalmers University of Technology) Michel Dubois (University of Southern California)
- Static cache partitioning robustness analysis for embedded on-chip multi-processors
Anca Molnos and S.D. Cotofana (TU Delft) M.J.M. Heijligers and J.T.J. van Eijndhoven (Philips Research)
- Evaluation of the Field-Programmable Cache: Performance and Energy Consumption
Domingo Benitez (University of Las Palmas) Juan C. Moure, Dolores I. Rexachs and Emilio Luque (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona)
- Intermediately Executed Code is the Key to Find Refactorings that Improve Temporal Data Locality
Kristof Beyls and Erik H. D'Hollander (Ghent University)
3:30p 4:30p
Session 11: Applications II
Chair: Mahmut Kandemir, Pennsylvania State University
- Topology-aware Tile Mapping for Clusters of SMPs
Daniel Chavarria, Jarek Nieplocha and Vinod Tipparaju (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- Performance Characteristics of an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Calculation on Scalar and Vector Platforms
Michael Welcome, Charles Rendleman and Leonid Oliker (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Rupak Biswas (NASA Ames Research Center)
4:30p 4:45p
Closing Remarks