Key Dates Full Papers
Paper Submission Deadline
February 3rd February 10th, 2023 (AoE) (Extended)
Author Notification
March 24th, 2023 March 31st, 2023
Final Papers Due
April 7th, 2023 April 14th, 2023 (AoE)
Key Dates Posters
Paper Submission Deadline
March 5th, 2023 March 12th, 2023 (Extended)
Author Notification
March 17th, 2023 March 31st, 2023
Final Submissions Due
April 7th, 2023 April 14th, 2023
Submit your paper

Previous Conferences
General Co-Chairs
Andrea Bartolini
University of Bologna, IT
Kristian Rietveld
Leiden University, NL
For more information, visit the website at
Program Overview
Detailed Program
Tuesday May 9
09:00-9:30 |
Opening Session |
09:30-10:45 |
Keynote I Chair: Jose Moreira Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
MemComputing: Fundamentals and Applications Massimiliano Di Ventra |
11:15-12:30 |
Session Main Track: The Pursuit of Performance Chair: Josef Weidendorfer Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
Accelerating Stream Processing Queries with Congestion-aware Scheduling and Real-time Linux Threads Fausto Frasca, Vincenzo Gulisano, Gabriele Mencagli, Dimitris Palyvos-Giannas and Massimo Torquati |
How Much is Performance Worth to Users? Adam Hastings, Lydia Chilton and Simha Sethumadhavan |
A Trace-driven Performance Evaluation of Hash-based Task Placement Algorithms for Cache-enabled Serverless Computing Sacheendra Talluri, Nikolas Herbst, Cristina Abad, Animesh Trivedi and Alexandru Iosup |
12:30-13:00 |
Session Blitz session posters (2 min flash talks) Chair: Nusa Zidaric and Sarah Azimi Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
The Legio Fault Resilience Framework: Design and Rationale Roberto Rocco and Gianluca Palermo |
Assessing the Robustness of Real-Time Operating System on Soft Processor against Multiple Bit Upset Andrea Portaluri, Corrado De Sio and Luca Sterpone |
High-Level Synthesis of the OpenMP runtime to improve the generation of parallel accelerators Giovanni Gozzi, Michele Fiorito, Serena Curzel and Fabrizio Ferrandi |
Relational Wide Column Store: a new Big Data paradigm Guillaume Dieu, Jean-Sebastien Lerat and Samuel Cremer |
Reliability Analysis of Microarchitectural Faults in GPGPU-based HPC Systems Corrado De Sio, Luca Sterpone and Sarah Azimi |
A New Approach to Selectively Control Flow Checking Methods Compliant with ISO 26262 Mohammadreza Amel Solouki, Jacopo Sini and Massimo Violante |
Tower field support for synthesis of datapaths Nusa Zidaric and Mark Aagaard |
Evaluating floating-point multipliers with opto-electrical hybrid circuits Takumi Inaba, Takatsugu Ono, Koji Inoue and Satoshi Kawakami |
Phase-Aware System-Side Sampling for HPC Julian Scheipl, Amir Raoofy, Michael Ott and Josef Weidendorfer |
13:00-14:15 |
Lunch / poster session |
14:15-14:45 |
Session Introduction to Thursday's data center visit Chair: TBA Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
14:45-16:15 |
Session Main Track: Deep Learning and MPI Chair: Katie Schuman Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
DistSim: A performance model of large-scale hybrid distributed DNN training Guandong Lu, Runzhe Chen, Yakai Wang, Yangjie Zhou, Rui Zhang, Zheng Hu, Yanming Miao, Zhifang Cai, Li Li, Jingwen Leng and Minyi Guo |
T-RecX: Tiny-Resource Efficient Convolutional neural networks with early-eXit Nikhil P. Ghanathe and Steve Wilton |
Memory-Aware DNN Algorithm-Hardware Mapping via Integer Linear Programming Enrico Russo, Maurizio Palesi, Giuseppe Ascia, Davide Patti, Salvatore Monteleone and Vincenzo Catania |
Fault Awareness in the MPI 4.0 Session Model (short paper) Roberto Rocco, Gianluca Palermo and Daniele Gregori |
16:45-18:15 |
Session Main Track: Applications Chair: Serena Curzel Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
Fractal Ledger: A New Approach towards Scalable Blockchain with Graph-Chain Structure Tong Zhou, He Zhao, Nianzu Shen, Bin Yu, Xiaofeng Li and Jinlin Xu |
Visual exploration of CO2 emissions in chinese cities Dongliang Ma, Song Wang, Shijie Chen, Yipan Liu, Yanru Wang and Yadong Wu |
High-Level Synthesis of Irregular Applications: A Case Study on Influence Maximization Reece Neff, Marco Minutoli, Antonino Tumeo and Michela Becchi |
Performance Evaluation of Tsunami Evacuation Route Planning on Multiple Annealing Machines (short paper) Yihui Liu, Kazuhiko Komatsu, Masahito Kumagai, Masayuki Sato and Hiroaki Kobayashi |
18:45-21:00 |
Session Welcome reception Chair: TBA |
Wednesday May 10
09:15-10:30 |
Keynote II Chair: Carsten Trinitis Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
Computational Climate Science - Less Moore, More Brain Thomas Ludwig |
11:00-12:15 |
Session Main Track: Architectures for Machine Learning Chair: Maurizio Palesi Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
ARADA: Adaptive Resource Allocation for improving energy efficiency in Deep Learning Accelerators Muhammad Waqar Azhar, Stavroula Zouzoula, and Pedro Petersen Moura Trancoso |
Experimenting with Emerging RISC-V Systems for Decentralised Machine Learning Gianluca Mittone, Nicoló Tonci, Robert Birke, Iacopo Colonnelli, Doriana Medić, Andrea Bartolini, Roberto Esposito, Emanuele Parisi, Francesco Beneventi, Mirko Polato, Massimo Torquati, Luca Benini and Marco Aldinucci |
Energy and Performance Improvements for Convolutional Accelerators Using Lightweight Address Translation Support Mirco Mannino, Biagio Peccerillo, Andrea Mondelli, and Sandro Bartolini |
12:15-12:45 |
Session Main Track: Quantum Computing I Chair: TBA Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
Quantum Computing Management of a Cloud/Edge Architecture (short paper) Carlo Mastroianni, Luigi Scarcello and Andrea Vinci |
QuACS : Variational Quantum Algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation in Induced Subgraph Games (short paper) Supreeth Mysore Venkatesh, Antonio Macaluso and Matthias Klusch |
12:45-14:00 |
Lunch / poster session |
14:00-15:15 |
Session Main Track: Architectures for Graph Analytics Chair: John Feo Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
GGPA: A General Graph Processing Architecture with Flexible Execution Paradigm Bin Zhang, Haitao Du, Song Chen and Yi Kang |
SuperCut: Communication-Aware Partitioning for Near-Memory Graph Processing Chenfeng Zhao, Roger D. Chamberlain and Xuan Zhang |
AdaptGear: Accelerating GNN Training via Adaptive Subgraph-Level Kernels on GPUs Yangjie Zhou, Yaoxu Song, Jingwen Leng, Zihan Liu, Weihao Cui, Zhendong Zhang, Cong Guo, Quan Chen, Li Li and Minyi Guo |
17:00-18:30 |
Session Computing Frontiers 20th anniversary Chair: TBA Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
Enabling FPGAs in the Cloud: Then and Now Hubertus Franke |
Dynamic thread scheduling on heterogeneous CMPs Michela Becchi |
Looking Back at the Memory Wall Three Decades Later Sally McKee |
20:30-23:59 |
Session Social Dinner Chair: |
Thursday May 11
10:00-10:40 |
Session Main Track: Quantum Computing II Chair: TBA Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
Scalable Experimental Bounds for Dicke and GHZ States Fidelities Shamminuj Aktar, Andreas Bärtschi, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy and Stephan Eidenbenz |
QHDL: a Low-Level Circuit Description Language for Quantum Computing (short paper) Gilbert Netzer and Stefano Markidis |
11:00-12:15 |
Session Main Track: Code Transformation and Analysis Chair: Kristian Rietvald Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
Accelerating Type Confusion Detection by Identifying Harmless Type Castings Xiaokang Fan, Sifan Long, Chun Huang, Canqun Yang and Fa Li |
A Code Transformation to Improve the Efficiency of OpenCL Code on FPGA through Pipes Mostafa Eghbali Zarch and Michela Becchi |
BLP: Block-Level Pipelining for GPUs Wu-chun Feng, Xuewen Cui, Thomas R. W. Scogland and Bronis R. de Supinski |
12:15-12:45 |
Room: Aula Giorgio Prodi |
14:00-16:00 |
Session Visit to local data center (details TBA) Chair: TBA |
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