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Paper/Poster Submission Deadline

Friday January 24, 2014, 11:59.59 PM (PST)

Author Notification

Friday February 28, 2014

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Friday March 28, 2014


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Diana Franklin
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Chalmers, SE

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Computing Frontiers 2014 is proud to announce the following keynote speakers and talks this year:
  • Keynote 1: Bruce Jacob
    High-Bandwidth, High-Capacity, Low-Power Memory Systems
  • Keynote 2: Gabriel Loh
    Evolutionary Paths to Revolutionary Frontiers
  • Keynote 3: David Bailey
    Fooling the Masses: Reproducibility in High-Performance Computing

Fooling the Masses: Reproducibility in High-Performance Computing

David Bailey, Research Fellow at University of California, Davis, US

Reproducibility is emerging as a major issue for highly parallel computing, in much the same way (and for many of the same reasons) that it is emerging as an issue in other fields of science, technology and medicine, namely the growing numbers of cases where other researchers cannot reproduce published results. This talk will summarize a number of these issues, including the need to carefully document computational experiments, the growing concern over numerical reproducibility and, once again, the need for responsible reporting of performance. Have we learned the lessons of history?

David Bailey is mathematician / computer scientist with the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in Berkeley, California, and also a Research Fellow at the University of California, Davis. He has authored more than 170 technical papers, five books, and numerous blog columns and commentaries. He recently retired from the Berkeley Lab, but continues as an active researcher.

Evolutionary Paths to Revolutionary Frontiers

Gabriel Loh, Fellow Design Engineer in AMD Research, US

Academic researchers often find themselves in a conundrum between doing high-risk, forward-looking research and trying to have more immediate impact on real-world problems. In fact, many in industry (perhaps myself included) are guilty of telling researchers to go look ahead and tell us what the future holds and what industry should do, and then when the researchers come back with stunning visions of the future, we respond with comments like "that's not practical" or "that's not how we do things today".
In this talk, I will draw on some of my experiences as both a university professor as well as a researcher in industry, and discuss some computing revolutions and how academic research plays a central and critical role. As an example, I will use the on-going revolution in die-stacking technologies to describe my view of how forward-looking visions combined with evolutionary steps have gotten us to where we are today, why we haven't gotten here sooner, and why some may want further delays. I will also discuss other revolutions that are either underway or lurking in the future. From all this, despite the near-term value of incremental near-term innovations to industry, I will build a case for academic researchers to continue thinking big and to push the frontiers of computing.

Gabriel H. Loh is a Fellow Design Engineer in AMD Research, the research and advanced development lab for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Gabe received his Ph.D. and M.S. in computer science from Yale University in 2002 and 1999, respectively, and his B.Eng. in electrical engineering from the Cooper Union in 1998. Gabe was also a tenured associate professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research, and a senior researcher at Intel Corporation. He is a senior member of IEEE and the ACM, (co-)inventor on over fifty US patent applications, and a recipient of the US National Science Foundation Young Faculty CAREER Award. His interests include computer architecture, processor microarchitecture, memory systems, emerging technologies, 3D die stacking, sushi, BBQ, ice hockey, snowboarding, and mud running.

High-Bandwidth, High-Capacity, Low-Power Memory Systems

Bruce Jacob, Professor at University of Maryland, US

In large systems, scale is determined by the memory needed: users of supercomputers choose the number of nodes based on the amount of DRAM they will receive; administrators in data centers and enterprise computing run the largest workload possible before paging makes performance unacceptable. These systems are not compute-bound; they are memory-bound.
This talk will discuss several of the recent solutions that our group has helped to develop, including flash-based main memory systems and Micron's Hybrid Memory Cube DRAM.

Bruce Jacob is a Full Professor and former Director of Computer Engineering in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. He received his Ars Baccalaureate, cum laude, in Mathematics from Harvard University in 1988, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1995 and 1997, respectively. In addition to his academic credentials, he has extensive experience in industry: he designed real-time embedded applications and real-time embedded architectures in the area of telecommunications for two successful Boston-area startup companies, Boston Technology (now part of Comverse Technology) and Priority Call Management (now part of uReach Technologies). At Priority Call Management he was employee number 2, the system architect, and the chief engineer; he built the first working prototype of the company's product, and he built and installed the first actual product as well. In recognition of Prof. Jacob's research program, he has been honored several times as a University of Maryland "Rainmaker." In memory-systems research, Jacob's cache and memory-management designs in Michigan's PUMA processor demonstrated the viability of software-managed caches in general-purpose systems (he coined the now-common term "software-managed cache" in his 1998 ASPLOS paper, "A look at several memory management units, TLB-refill mechanisms, and page table organizations"). His work in advanced DRAM architectures at Maryland is the first comparative evaluation of today's memory technologies, and he received the prestigious CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation for his early work in that area. Honors for his teaching include the departmental George Corcoran Award, the University of Maryland Award for Teaching Excellence, and his 2006 induction as a Clark School of Engineering Keystone Professor. He has published over 50 papers on a wide range of topics, including computer architecture and memory systems, low-power embedded systems, electromagnetic interference and circuit integrity, distributed computing, astrophysics, and algorithmic composition. His recently published book on computer memory systems (Jacob, Ng, and Wang: Memory Systems -- Cache, DRAM, Disk, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Fall 2007) is large enough to choke a small elephant.