ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2018
May 8 - 10, 2018, Ischia, Italy
Key Dates
Camera-Ready Papers Due
April 4, 2018
March 31, 2018
Early Registration Deadline
April 13, 2018
April 9, 2018
To register, click here.
Submit your paper

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Previous Conferences
General Co-Chairs
David Kaeli
Northeastern University, US
Miquel Pericas
Chalmers University of Technology, SE
Program Co-Chairs
Miquel Moreto
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ES
Josef Weidendorfer
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre / Technical University of Munich, DE
For more information,
visit the website at
Program Overview
Detailed Program
Tuesday May 8
Plenary Session
08:45-09:00 |
Opening |
Welcome by General Chairs, Program Chairs, and Steering Committee Chair David Kaeli, Miquel Pericas, Josef Weidendorfer, Miquel Moreto, Carsten Trinitis |
10:00-11:00 |
Session Short papers (I) Chair: Ruben Salvador |
Comparative Realization of Error Detection Schemes for Implementations of MixColumns in Lightweight Cryptography Anita Aghaie, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani and Reza Azarderakhsh |
Reliable Hardware Architectures for Efficient Secure Hash Functions ECHO and Fugue Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Reza Azarderakhsh and Siavash Bayat-Sarmadi |
Gathering and Analyzing Identity Leaks for a proactive Warning of affected Users Timo Malderle, Matthias Wübbeling, Sven Knauer and Michael Meier |
Comprehensive Assessment of Run-Time Hardware-Supported Malware Detection Using General and Ensemble Learning Hossein Sayadi, Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao, Setareh Rafatirad and Houman Homayoun |
Network-on-Chip Evaluation for a Novel Neural Architecture Markos Kynigos, Javier Navaridas, Luis Plana and Steve Furber |
D3NOC: A Dynamic Data-Driven Hybrid Photonic Plasmonic NoC Armin Mehrabian, Shuai Sun, Vikram Narayana, Jeff Anderson, Jiaxin Peng, Volker Sorger and Tarek El-Ghazawi |
Dual-Threshold Directed Execution Progress Maximization for Nonvolatile Processors Dongqin Zhou, Keni Qiu and Yongpan Liu |
Track I
11:30-12:45 |
Session Applications (I) Chair: Chris Adeniyi-Jones |
11:30-11:55 |
FreeDA: Deploying Incompatible Stock Dynamic Analyses in Production via Multi-Version Execution Luís Pina, Anastasios Andronidis, and Cristian Cadar |
11:55-12:20 |
Disease gene identification by walking on multilayer heterogeneous networks Cangfeng Ding and Kan Li |
12:20-12:45 |
Similarity based classification of ADHD using Singular Value Decomposition Taban Eslami and Fahad Saeed |
Track II
11:30-13:00 |
Session Workshop BigDAW'18 Chair: Roberta Piscitelli and Giovanni Mariani |
11:30-12:00 |
Data cube and cloud resources as platform for seamless geospatial computation Giuliano Andrea Pagani and Luca Trani |
12:00-12:30 |
Improving Public Datasets Markings’ Quality using Unsupervised Refinement Kernels Anca Ioana Petre, Cosmin Toca, Carmen Patrascu and Mihai Ciuc |
12:30-13:00 |
The D.A.V.I.D.E. Big-Data-Powered Fine-Grain Power and Performance Monitoring Support Andrea Bartolini, Andrea Borghesi, Antonio Libri, Francesco Beneventi, Daniele Gregori, Simone Tinti, Cosimo Gianfreda and Piero Altoe |
Track I
14:45-16:00 |
Session Resilience Chair: Diana Goehringer |
14:45-15:10 |
Modeling SSD RAID Reliability under General Settings Zhiyong Wu, Yongkun Li, Patrick P. C. Lee and Yinlong Xu |
15:10-15:35 |
On The Theory of Speculative Checkpointing: Time and Energy Considerations Omer Subasi and Sriram Krishnamoorthy |
15:35-16:00 |
Comparative Analysis of Soft-Error Detection Strategies: A Case Study with Iterative Methods Gokcen Kestor, Burcu Ozcelik Mutlu, Joseph Manzano, Omer Subasi, Osman Unsal and Sriram Krishnamoorthy |
16:30-17:45 |
Session Short papers (II) Chair: Ruben Salvador |
An area and power efficient on-the-fly LBCS transformation for implantable neuronal signal acquisition systems Cosimo Aprile, Johannes Wüthrich, Luca Baldassarre, Yusuf Leblebici and Volkan Cevher |
Automatic Instrumentation of Dataflow Application using PAPI Daniel Madroñal, Raquel Lazcano, Antoine Morvan, Ruben Salvador, Karol Desnos, Eduardo Juarez and Cesar Sanz |
Make Software Harder Benjamin Andreassen Bjørnseth, Jan Christian Meyer and Lasse Natvig |
GPU Power Prediction via Ensemble Machine Learning for DVFS Space Exploration Bishwajit Dutta, Vignesh Adhinarayanan and Wu-Chun Feng |
A Decoupled Access-Execute Architecture for Reconfigurable Accelerators George Charitopoulos, Charalampos Vatsolakis, Grigorios Chrysos and Dionisios Pnevmatikatos |
APAT: An Access Pattern Analysis Tool For Distributed Arrays Engin Kayraklioglu and Tarek El-Ghazawi |
Horizon: A Multi-abstraction Framework for Graph Analytics Adnan Haider, Fabio Checconi, Xinyu Que, Lars Schneidenbach, Daniele Buono and Xian-He Sun |
Online Anomaly Detection Framework for Spark Systems via Stage-Task Behavior Modeling Rui Ren, Shuai Tian, Jianfeng Zhan and Lei Wang |
Track II
14:30-16:00 |
Session Workshop MAL-IoT '18 (I) Chair: Nele Mentens |
14:30-15:00 |
Hash-based signatures for the Internet of Things Paolo Palmieri |
15:00-15:30 |
Higher Order Side-Channel Attacks Resilient S-boxes Liran Lerman, Stjepan Picek, Nikita Veshchikov and Olivier Markowitch |
15:30-16:00 |
Digital Signatures and Signcryption Schemes on Embedded Devices: a Trade-off between Computation and Storage Jori Winderickx, An Braeken, Dave Singelée, Roel Peeters, Thijs Vandenryt, Ronald Thoelen and Nele Mentens |
16:30-18:00 |
Session Workshop MAL-IoT '18 (II) Chair: Moderator: Paolo Palmieri |
Panel: IoT and pervasive computing: are new definitions of security and privacy needed? Panelists: TBA |
17:45-18:30 |
Poster Session |
19:00-20:30 |
Welcome Reception |
Wednesday May 9
Plenary Session
Track I
09:45-11:00 |
Session Architecture Chair: Arvind |
09:45-10:10 |
Adaptive and Polymorphic VLIW Processor to Optimize Fault Tolerance, Energy Consumption, and Performance Anderson Luiz Sartor, Arthur F. Lorenzon, Sandip Kundu, Israel Koren and Antonio Carlos S. Beck |
10:10-10:35 |
MIComp: 3D On-chip Magneto-Inductive Computing with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer Burhan Gulbahar and Gorkem Memisoglu |
10:35-11:00 |
An FPGA Framework for Edge-Centric Graph Processing Shijie Zhou, Rajgopal Kannan, Hanqing Zeng and Viktor Prasanna |
11:30-12:45 |
Session Memory Systems (I) Chair: David Kaeli |
11:30-11:55 |
A Prefetch-Aware Memory System for Data Access Patterns in Multimedia Applications Tareq Alawneh and Ahmed Elhossini |
11:55-12:20 |
Flexible Associativity for DRAM Caches Elvira Teran, Zeshan Chishti, Zhe Wang, Chris Wilkerson and Daniel A. Jimenez |
12:20-12:45 |
A File System Bypassing Volatile Main Memory: Towards A Single-Level Persistent Store Deng Zhou, Wen Pan, Tao Xie and Wei Wang |
Track II
09:45-11:00 |
Session Workshop LP-EMS18 (I) Chair: Francesco Conti, Paolo Meloni,Daniel Menard |
Power Modeling on FPGA: A Neural Model for RT-Level Power Estimation Yehya Nasser, Jean-Christophe Prevotet and Maryline Helard |
Always-ON Visual node with a Hardware-Software Event-Based Binarized Neural Network Inference Engine Manuele Rusci, Davide Rossi, Eric Flamand, Massimo Gottardi, Elisabetta Farella and Luca Benini |
11:30-12:45 |
Session Workshop LP-EMS18 (II) Chair: Francesco Conti, Paolo Meloni,Daniel Menard |
A constrained extremum-seeking control for CPU thermal management Federico Reghenzani, Simone Formentin, Giuseppe Massari and William Fornaciari |
Thermal Image-Based CNN’s for Ultra-Low Power People Recognition Andres Gomez, Francesco Conti and Luca Benini |
Track I
14:45-16:00 |
Session Miscellaneous Chair: Carsten Trinitis |
14:45-15:10 |
Opportunistic Named Functions in Disruption-tolerant Emergency Networks Pablo Graubner, Patrick Lampe, Jonas Höchst, Lars Baumgärtner, Mira Mezini and Bernd Freisleben |
15:10-15:35 |
GANFuzz: A GAN-based industrial network protocol fuzzing framework Zhicheng Hu, Jianqi Shi, Yanhong Huang, Jiawen Xiong and Xiangxing Bu |
15:35-16:00 |
Taming Irregular Applications via Advanced Dynamic Parallelism on GPUs Jing Zhang, Ashwin Aji, Michael Chu, Hao Wang and Wu-Chun Feng |
16:30-17:20 |
Session Security Chair: Miquel Pericas |
16:30-16:55 |
Vulnerability Analysis of Android Auto Infotainment Apps Amit Mandal, Agostino Cortesi, Pietro Ferrara, Federica Panarotto and Fausto Spoto |
16:55-17:20 |
VPsec: Countering Fault Attacks in General Purpose Microprocessors with Value Prediction Rosario Cammarota and Rami Sheikh |
Track II
14:30-16:00 |
Session Special Session (I): Large Scale Graph Analytics Chair: Antonino Tumeo |
14:30-15:00 |
GraphBLAS: Handling performance concerns in large graph analytics Manoj Kumar |
15:00-15:30 |
Streaming Graph Analysis: New Models, New Architectures Jason Riedy |
15:30-16:00 |
A Hybrid Data Model for Large-Scale Analytics John Feo |
16:30-17:20 |
Session Special Session (II): EU/Nat. Projects Chair: Antonino Tumeo |
16:30-16:55 |
Autotuning and Adaptivity in Energy Efficient HPC Systems: The ANTAREX toolbox Gianluca Palermo |
16:55-17:20 |
LEGaTO Project: Towards Energy-Efficient, Secure, Fault-tolerant Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing Osman Unsal, Adrián Cristal |
20:00-22:00 |
Conference Banquet |
Thursday May 10
Plenary Session
08:45-09:15 |
Banerjee Award Carsten Trinitis and Claudia Di Napoli |
Track I
09:15-10:10 |
Panel Chair: Program Chairs (Josef Weidendorfer and Miquel Moreto) |
Post-Moore Computing: a Hype? Panelists: Rosa M. Badia (BSC), Arvind (MIT), Chris Adeniyi-Jones (Arm), John Feo (PNNL) |
10:10-11:00 |
Session Special Session (III): EU/Nat. Projects Chair: Antonino Tumeo |
10:10-10:35 |
HPC4AI: an AI-on-demand federated platform endeavor Marco Aldinucci |
10:35-11:00 |
The SAGE Project: a Storage Centric Approach for Exascale Computing Stefano Markidis |
11:30-12:45 |
Session Applications (II) Chair: Rosa M. Badia |
11:30-11:55 |
MOCL: An Efficient OpenCL Implementation for the Matrix-2000 Architecture Peng Zhang, Jianbin Fang, Canqun Yang, Tao Tang, Chun Huang and Zheng Wang |
11:55-12:20 |
QUENN: QUantization Engine for low-power Neural Networks Miguel de Prado Escudero, Maurizio Denna, Luca Benini and Nuria Pazos |
12:20-12:45 |
Evaluating the Impact of Pushing Voice-Driven Interaction Pipelines to the Edge Smruthi Sridhar and Matthew E. Tolentino |
Track II
09:15-11:00 |
Session Workshop SeFuMaL'18 (I) Chair: Diana Göhringer |
09:15-09:30 |
09:30-10:00 |
Machine Learning Application for Patients Activity Recognition with Pressure Sensing in Bed Shengwei Luo, Chunhui Zhao, Limin Lu and Yongji Fu |
10:00-10:30 |
Learning-Based Indoor Localization for Industrial Applications Hendrik Laux, Andreas Bytyn, Gerd Ascheid, Anke Schmeink, Gunes Karabulut Kurt and Guido Dartmann |
10:30-11:00 |
Supporting Sensor Orchestration in Non-Stationary Environments Christoph-Alexander Holst and Volker Lohweg |
11:30-12:45 |
Session Workshop SeFuMaL'18 (II) Chair: Diana Göhringer |
11:30-12:00 |
Forest Fire Detection using Spiking Neural Networks Yuling Luo, Qian Lu, Junxiu Liu, Qiang Fu, Jim Harkin, Mcdaid Liam, Jordi Martínez-Corral and Guillermo Biot-Marí |
12:00-12:30 |
Distributed learning-based state prediction for multi-agent systems with reduced communication effort Daniel Hinkelmann, Anke Schmeink and Guido Dartmann |
12:30-12:45 |
Workshop Closing
Plenary Session
14:30-15:45 |
Session Memory Systems (II) Chair: John Feo |
14:30-14:55 |
A methodology for efficient code optimizations and memory management Vasilis Kelefouras and Karim Djemame |
14:55-15:20 |
Design space exploration for PIM architectures in 3D-stacked memories Joýo P. C. Lima, Paulo C. Santos, Marco A. Z. Alves, Antonio C. S. Beck and Luigi Carro |
15:20-15:45 |
CMH: Compression Management for Improving Capacity in the Hybrid Memory Cube Cheng Qian, Bruce Childers, Libo Huang, Qi Yu and Zhiying Wang |
15:45-16:00 |
Closing remarks Program Chairs (Josef Weidendorfer and Miquel Moreto) |
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